
Wall Street Fleeing Biden As Trump Takes Big Lead

[Photo: L-BBE, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commons]

According to new reports, Wall Street has increasingly begun to bet on Trump winning the presidency following Joe Biden’s poor debate performance on CNN. Investors have grown concerned about the end of Bidenomics, a gift for the wealthy that has seen profits skyrocket while wages stagnate and inflation rises. They fear Trump’s immigration and trade policies might negatively impact topline economic growth.

Although Biden’s wealthy donors may be concerned about Trump’s economic plan, some experts argue that the former president’s agenda will provide advantages to average American workers who have struggled with the consequences of Biden’s open border and disadvantageous trade policies.

Experts told The Daily Caller that Trump’s policies could be a boon for normal Americans.

Trump has campaigned and governed on key populist policies that prioritize trade protectionism and American manufacturing. This goes hand in hand with Trump’s immigration policy plans for his potential next term, as he pledged to implement the largest domestic mass deportation during an Iowa campaign speech in December.

“What the Biden administration has done is they have just essentially stopped enforcing border laws, and they parole these illegal immigrants into our country,” Michael Faulkender, chief economist at the America First Policy Institute, told the DCNF. “They give them work visas. And this is why people on the left are saying that Trump’s policies would cause inflation. It’s because if we deport all of those workers, then somehow we wouldn’t have enough workers to do all the work that’s currently being done.”

“The average American is no longer going to have to compete against the incredibly low-wage labor that is driving down the standard of living,” E.J. Antoni, a public finance economist and Richard F. Aster fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told the DCNF about the effect of Trump’s immigration policy in a second term. “In other words, you will increasingly see businesses pay living wages to their employees.”

“This was actually a key reason why a lot of blue-collar jobs saw such rapid wage growth during the first Trump term,” Antoni told the DCNF. “It was because they really helped stem the tide of illegal immigration that existed before Trump. As less of that illegal labor came across the border, it helped buoy the labor market, at least for Americans.”

Ordinary, middle-class Americans have become desperate for an economic recovery that includes them.

Newsweek writes that the sad state of Bidenomics has left many Americans in a financial pinch this holiday, leading to fewer taking vacations.  

A survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek between June 27 and 28 revealed that 44 percent of respondents do not plan to travel anywhere in the next three months. Additionally, 53 percent of those surveyed indicated that they would have considered taking a vacation if the cost of living were lower. This survey included 2,500 eligible U.S. voters.

“Life has gotten a lot more expensive in recent years, which is why so many people are struggling to afford vacations,” Ted Rossman, senior industry analyst at Bankrate, told Newsweek.

“For example, a collection of common household expenses costs about 20 percent more now than it did in early 2022,” he said. “With so many people spending so much more for housing, food, gas and other essentials, there’s less money to go around for other things such as travel.”

Donald Trump has opened a 6-point lead over President Biden among voters nationally, according to a new poll done by The Wall Street Journal. The survey also revealed that 80 percent of the country believes Biden is too old for a second term.

[Read More: Democrat Calls For Massive Propaganda Outfit To Save Biden]




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