A leading voice in the African American community, radio host Charlamagne Tha God recently warned Democrats. Black voters may be shifting support to Donald Trump because he actually helped them rather than merely talking about helping them.
The Daily Caller writes that the radio star believes that Trump’s “tangible” actions during his presidency won him a lot of support in ways that liberals do not like to admit.
Trump’s backing among black men has jumped in seven battleground states to 30%, more than double his support nationwide among this same group in 2020’s contest when he received 12%, according to an April poll published by The Wall Street Journal. Charlamagne in the interview said he believes the “uptick” is overhyped, but that Trump’s policies on the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and on criminal justice are what black voters can appreciate from the former president.
“This so-called uptick that’s supposed to happen with Black voters and Trump — like I said, I think that’s overstated, but I do think there are three tangible things people point to in regards to President Trump,” Charlamagne told NYT journalist Lulu Garcia-Navarro. “One is those stimulus checks, another is those P.P.P. loans and another is the First Step Act. And the reason those three things resonate with people is because folks actually got money in their pocket. There’s people who actually saw family members and people they love actually get out of prison. And he takes the credit for it.”
Charlamagne called out President Joe Biden in the NYT interview for co-sponsoring the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, which strengthened prison sentences for drug possession. The radio host also mentioned the 1994 crime bill, authored by Biden, which some experts say contributed to systemic racism.
“You cannot bring up President Biden without talking about the ’86 mandatory minimum sentencing, the ’88 crack laws and the ’94 crime bill,” Charlamagne said. “If people go back and watch my conversation with Joe Biden on ‘The Breakfast Club,’ I said to him, the ’94 crime bill led to mass incarceration and he goes, No, it was mandatory minimum sentencing, and I go, Yeah, and you were behind that one too! So it’s like, we know all of these things, but we still vote because we have to vote for our best interests. We have to vote for the people that we feel like we can move.”
It was on Charlemagne’s radio show that Biden uttered the infamous “you ain’t black” comments in which he chided Black voters who supported Trump.
The Washington Post recently reported that “Biden faces challenges motivating young Black Americans who have soured on his presidency.
Black Americans’ desire to vote in this year’s election is down sharply compared with four years ago, according to a Washington Post-Ipsos poll conducted last month — a potentially troublesome sign for President Biden, whose ascent was powered by Black voters in 2020 and who has intensified efforts to court them before November’s election.
The poll of more than 1,300 Black adults finds that 62 percent of Black Americans say they’re “absolutely certain to vote,” down from 74 percent in June 2020. The 12-percentage-point drop outpaces the four-point drop among Americans overall, from 72 percent to 68 percent.
The drop in turnout interest is sharpest among younger Black people, who have always been less enthusiastic about Biden and have now shifted to majority disapproval of his job performance. Overall, nearly 1 in 5 Black voters who turned out for Biden in 2020 say they are less than certain about whether they will vote at all this year.
The drop in enthusiasm is notable among Black women, who have been a backbone of the Democratic Party. The poll finds 41 percent of Black people ages 18 to 39 are certain to vote this year, down from 61 percent in June 2020. Among Black women in that age group, certainty to vote dropped from 69 percent in 2020 to 39 percent this year.”
Even a small drop in turnout or a move from Biden to Trump would be a disaster for Democrats and likely swing the election to the GOP this fall.
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