Our last two elderly presidents have something in common: their diets. Joe Biden has often been caught wandering around or being confused like a toddler without his parents. But, now outlets report that he eats like a small child too.
The Daily Beast writes that “First Lady Jill Biden is trying to get President Joe Biden to eat more vegetables and fish in an effort to keep him healthy for his 2024 re-election campaign….The 80-year-old president’s aides—who say he eats ‘like a child’—claim that his favorite food choices include pizza, cookies, and peanut and jelly sandwiches.
Axios reported, “The internal tug-of-war over Joe Biden’s diet is just one of many public and private steps being taken by close aides and the first lady to keep the 80-year-old president healthy as he prepares to run for a second term.
In September 2021, the president’s sister Val came to the White House for a private dinner, and the first lady selected their entree: salmon in a pastry shell with a medley of vegetables.
“Damn, she makes me eat this healthy stuff all the time,” said the president, who’s not a fan of salmon, according to Val’s recounting of the dinner in her memoir.
With the first lady out of sight, Biden had some lemon pound cake and finished a carton of Breyer’s chocolate chip ice cream for dessert, Val recalled.
Biden works out with a physical therapist, Drew Contreras, many mornings.
Details of Biden’s diet recall an interview between the president’s former physician, now Representative from Texas Ronnie Jackson, and The New York Times.
The Cut summarized the conversation back in 2018: “Rendering vegetables unrecognizable and hiding them in other, non-vegetable foods has long been an effective way to secretly incorporate more nutrient-rich food into a toddler’s diet. The same trick apparently — and unsurprisingly — works with Donald Trump.
In a recent interview with The New York Times, the president’s former physician Ronny Jackson — who is now running for Congress — lamented that he wasn’t able to help Trump fully overhaul his lifestyle before resigning from his duties in April 2018. “The exercise stuff never took off as much as I wanted it to,” Jackson told the Times, which could have something to do with the president’s conviction that all people are born with a finite amount of energy.
Jackson says he did, however, help improve Trump’s overall health in other ways: “We were working on his diet,” he told the Times. “We were making the ice cream less accessible, we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes.”
It makes complete sense that Trump would fall for a trusted trick that parents typically use on young children, seeing as Trump, like many young children, prefers his diet to be largely made up of various shades of brown. Jackson would probably be pleased to learn that others tasked with feeding Trump appear to have imitated his strategy: Last October, Air Force One attempted to trick the President into eating not one, but multiple, vegetables, by styling a stuffed orange bell pepper to look like a jack-o’-lantern.”
I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to ridicule Biden’s eating habits like they did with Trump, but is it really a surprise that Americans do not want either Biden or Trump to run?
“Most Americans in a new poll don’t want former President Trump to run for the White House in 2024, and a majority doesn’t want President Biden to run for reelection, either, as he prepares for an expected campaign launch that could come as early as this week,” according to The Hill.
“A new NBC News poll found that 60 percent of Americans think Trump shouldn’t try to retake the Oval Office — including roughly a third of Republicans. Thirty percent of those who think he shouldn’t campaign in 2024 cite the criminal charges he faces in New York as a “major” reason.
At the same time, 70 percent of Americans think Biden shouldn’t seek a second term — including 51 percent of Democrats. Forty-eight percent of those who said he shouldn’t run again cited his age as a “major” reason.
The latest results are in line with other polls indicating low enthusiasm for either Trump or Biden as they ready for what could be a 2020 rematch….A Yahoo News/YouGov poll found a 38 percent plurality of respondents reported they felt “exhaustion” over the idea of a Biden-Trump presidential race rematch.”
[Read More: Investigator Says Hammer To Drop On Hunter Biden]