When your father is the president and is willing to use his power to protect his family, you’d be a fool not to try and get him to crush your enemies. That’s the new strategy from the crown prince of the Biden family, Hunter Biden.
Earlier in the week, the lawyers for the president’s former crackhead son requested investigations into supporters of former President Donald Trump. They argue that discussing items found on Hunter’s laptop showing purported evidence of several misdeeds perpetrated by both him and the current president is criminal.
NBC News writes, “Among the letters, which were obtained by NBC News, was one sent Wednesday asking the Justice Department’s National Security Division for an investigation into ‘individuals for whom there is considerable reason to believe violated various federal laws in accessing, copying, manipulating, and/or disseminating Mr. Biden’s personal computer data,’ including Rudy Giuliani, who was Trump’s lawyer at the time.
Biden lawyers wrote a similar letter to the Delaware attorney general’s office, requesting a probe into the same people, alleging they violated ‘various Delaware laws’ in accessing Biden’s information from what Trump has called ‘the laptop from hell.’
Information from the laptop has raised questions about Biden’s finances, which have been separately under investigation by federal prosecutors in Delaware since 2018. It has also been the source of several salacious stories from conservative media outlets, many focused on his drug use.
Biden has largely kept a low profile during the years of stories — Trump would ask “Where’s Hunter?” during campaign rallies in the 2020 election — but a person familiar with the first son’s strategy said he has had enough.
This has been a long time coming. Last December, Hunter called The Avengers of Liberal Hacks to rally to him to defend him against Republican investigations. In this sordid tale, Hunter’s Captain America is his “sugar brother,” Kevin Morris, who paid two million dollars to cover the son of the president deciding not to pay his taxes.
The “letter singles out Mac Isaac, Giuliani, Costello, former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon, former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler, Bannon associate Jack Maxey, and Yaacov Apelbaum, founder and CEO of cyber analytics firm XRVision and former aide to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), as parties who gained unauthorized access to the laptop’s contents and disseminated it to the media and lawmakers,” according to The New York Post.
“We believe that the facts and circumstances merit further investigation as to whether the conduct of Messrs. Mac Isaac, Costello, Giuliani, Bannon, Ziegler, Maxey, and Apelbaum violated several provisions of Delaware’s criminal code — including, but not necessarily limited to, computer-related property offenses … theft … possession of stolen property … and misapplication of another’s property … Each of these offenses, if violated, has the potential to be a felony, depending on the value of the property in question,” Hunter’s lawyer states.
The Washington Post reported, “The meeting was a glimpse into a sprawling infrastructure that is rapidly, almost frantically, assembling to combat Republicans’ plans to turn Hunter Biden into a major news story when the GOP takes over the House next year. The risk for Hunter Biden, and possibly for President Biden as well, is that this hodgepodge of efforts is not fully coordinating and does not share a unified approach, according to people involved in the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal dynamics.”
‘This marks a new approach by Hunter Biden and his team. He is not going to sit quietly by as questionable characters continue to violate his rights and media organizations peddling in lies try to defame him,’ a source told NBC.
Embroiled in a scandal of his own, Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden, known by Hunter’s associates as “The Big Guy,” has tried to prevent investigations into his son’s shady financial transactions. A bipartisan group of Senators and House members have requested information about the classified documents the president stashed all over his homes, along with Hunter’s financial records that the Treasury Department flagged as suspicious. The president has so far blocked the endeavor.
One of the accused in Hunter’s letter, John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repair shop owner where the drugged-out presidential son left his “laptop from Hell,” is currently suing the Biden campaign, along with Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast, and Politico, for defamation.
Mac Isaac is ready for the fight, though. He told The Post, “I think with Congress starting investigations next week, it’s a scare tactic. The flak is heaviest when you are over the target!”
The Post also noted that Hunter has long denied having owned the laptop, but with this letter, he’s admitting to everything on the computer and claiming it as his own.
He’s very smart and has very good lawyers or something. That must be why President Biden, “thinks he’s a god.”
The House Oversight Committee will launch its hearings into Hunter’s influence peddling next week.
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