Just The News is reporting that a former intelligence officer has claimed that an American agency sought his expertise during the 2020 election out of fear that foreign governments compromised then-candidate Joe Biden’s son. They asked for his help in acquiring a copy of Hunter Biden’s now-famous laptop as the presidential campaign came to a close. Rumors have flown about for years that the Biden family has made several deals with corporations and foreign governments.
“Retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer’s account to Just the News was confirmed by three other people who were approached by Shaffer or the agency or were involved in the approach.
‘They said the agency’s interest was to analyze the hard drive contents for any evidence or patterns of how foreign adversaries were seeking to compromise prominent Americans or their families.
Shaffer provided details about the approach during an appearance Friday on the Just the News television show on Real America’s Voice.
“A three-letter agency came to me and said, ‘Hey, we’ve heard that you have access to a copy of the Hunter Biden hard drive. Could we get a copy?'” Shaffer said during the interview. “And I said, like, ‘Do you know what’s on there? I mean, we’re talking about everything from child porn, to, you know, all these these issues regarding the president.’
‘And they said, ‘We don’t care. … We want to either confirm or refute it. We want to act factual. We don’t have a political dog in the fight. What our concern is, is that if there’s compromising information on that hard drive, this is before the election, the president could be compromised to the level of owing either China or or Ukraine something. And this is what this three letter agency was concerned about.'”
Just The News reached out to other sources and confirmed the request from the prominent three-letter agency that partakes in America’s intelligence. “The intelligence community wanted to know if anything on the hard drive had been hacked, whether the Biden family was compromised, and whether there were any patterns about how foreign adversaries were seeking to compromise prominent Americans,” the site explained.
This story broke as Fox News reported, “President Biden in 2017, wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of a Chinese executive who did business with Hunter Biden.” The Hunter Biden scandal has been uncovered and discussed by prominent news outlets over the past few months, now that his father is safely in the White House. Recently, the Washington Post confirmed that the contents of the computer, first disclosed in 2020, were reported accurately by the New York Post.
Retired CIA operative Charles S. Faddis has condemned the way the media handled the issue, which should have been treated as a national security problem. He said, “I mean, it’s, it’s ugly in every possible way and the media just buried it,” Faddis told Williams. “They just decide, ‘We’re going to make this go away,’ right? ‘We’re just going to put this in the cone of silence and nobody talks about it.’ And that’s what they did, and – you know – aided and abetted by a bunch of guys that signed a letter who said, this is ‘Russian disinformation.'”
After the New York Post reported the contents of Hunter’s laptop, 50 former intelligence officers threw away their credibility to protect the Biden campaign, calling the Post’s reporting “part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.” The supposed non-partisan group looking out for American interests has refused to apologize to the public.
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